Non lifters i don’t workout cos i don’t wanna get bulky. me

Watching a documentary about a serial killer he was a loner, had no lover, spent all his time at the gym. me

When you told yourself you'd hit legs tomorrow and now it's tomorrow but you still don't wanna do them
When you told yourself you’d hit legs tomorrow and now it’s tomorrow but you still don’t wanna do them
Get's to gym, remembers it's legs day

Get’s to gym, remembers it’s legs day

When you pull up to the gym and you can see every bench taken before you even walk in
When you pull up to the gym and you can see every bench taken before you even walk in

Gets to the gym, forgotten headphones

Person all you do is workout. me

Me fully determined to bench two plates. my shoulders

When you realise that your current warmup weight was once your max weight

When you hear people say they don’t go to the gym cos they don’t wanna get bulky

Huge guy walks into gym for the first time. former biggest guy in the gym

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