My face when someone asks me how many sets you got left

My face when someone asks me how many sets you got left

When you realise that your current warmup weight was once your max weight

When the gym is the most exciting part of the day, and that’s over

My face in between sets, regretting all the decisions i made over the weekend that are now impacting my workou

My face in between sets, regretting all the decisions i made over the weekend that are now impacting my workou

Me realising i have less than 3 weeks to get in shape for my hols

When it took 6 days to get over stiff legs and you realise today is squats

When it took 6 days to get over stiff legs and you realise today is squats

When you're back in the gym after 3 months and your warmup feels heavy

When you’re back in the gym after 3 months and your warmup feels heavy

When people who don’t workout try to give you advice

Friend i don’t wanna lift heavy cos it’s bad for the joints. me

Gym mfer putting their plates back.  me

Gym mfer putting their plates back. me

When you hear people say they don't go to the gym cos they don't wanna get bulky

When you hear people say they don’t go to the gym cos they don’t wanna get bulky

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