When the biggest guy in the gym calls you big man

When the biggest guy in the gym calls you big man

When you overplayed every song in your gym playlist and now nothing gets you hype

When you told yourself you'd hit legs tomorrow and now it's tomorrow but you still don't wanna do them

When you told yourself you’d hit legs tomorrow and now it’s tomorrow but you still don’t wanna do them

Friend fancy a slice of pizza me, who’s on zero carbs

Your new gym partners reaction when they go through your workout

When you eat cold turkey broccoli out of tupperware everyday and you see your coworkers heading out for a

Them you're always at the gym, you must be so happy with your body  me
Them you’re always at the gym, you must be so happy with your body me
When you hit a pr and nobody was watching
When you hit a pr and nobody was watching
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