Watching a documentary about a serial killer he was a loner, had no lover, spent all his time at the gym.  me
Watching a documentary about a serial killer he was a loner, had no lover, spent all his time at the gym. me

Gets to the gym, forgotten headphones

Me when someone tells me they don’t have time to workout but i wake at 5am to hit the gym

My gym rival watching me lift 5lbs more than him with worse form
My gym rival watching me lift 5lbs more than him with worse form
When you've booked your holiday but there's no gym where you're going
When you’ve booked your holiday but there’s no gym where you’re going
When you start working out to lose weight but now you're the heaviest you've been
When you start working out to lose weight but now you’re the heaviest you’ve been
When you've bulk bought your protein but now it's on sale
When you’ve bulk bought your protein but now it’s on sale
Woke up excited for the gym, remembered it's rest day
Woke up excited for the gym, remembered it’s rest day
My face when i see a pic of myself before i had gainz
My face when i see a pic of myself before i had gainz
When you pull up to the gym and you can see every bench taken before you even walk in
When you pull up to the gym and you can see every bench taken before you even walk in
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