When you almost died on your last set and your partner starts adding more weight

That look you give someone when they tell you they gonna start doing crossfit

When someone tries to tell you creatine is a steroid

Me fully determined to bench two plates. my shoulders

When you're struggling to finish the set and wondering if you loaded the wrong weight
When you’re struggling to finish the set and wondering if you loaded the wrong weight
When you're at the gym, and someone walks by smelling like they just took a bath in cologne
When you’re at the gym, and someone walks by smelling like they just took a bath in cologne
When you drink your protein, do your cardio and workout 8 hours a day, but the first thing she asks is
When you drink your protein, do your cardio and workout 8 hours a day, but the first thing she asks is

The face you make when you realise you’ve maxed out every machine in the gym

Friend you’re so lucky not being fat. me who trains 5 times per week

When you’ve ordered a salad at your favourite restaurant and the waiter tells you pizzas are 2 for 1 today

When the tub says 2 scoops but you took 3

When you've been eating all day and not sure if you're disgusted with yourself or should finish with somethi
When you’ve been eating all day and not sure if you’re disgusted with yourself or should finish with somethi
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