38 Leg Day Memes – To Squat Or Not To Squat

Our favourite leg day memes to help you laugh at the antics that often accompany the one gym session that even the hardest of trainees dread.

Leg day, without doubt, presents the toughest gym session a trainee can face, from newbies to seasoned pros. No other session presents such a challenge physically and mentally. You really do need to have your head fully in the game to tackle a proper leg workout.

It’s no big surprise that the infamous ‘skip leg day’ memes have proven to be one of the most relatable and enduring gym memes there is. Many gym folk are mocked for their obvious avoidance of leg day pain with their disproportionally underdeveloped quads & calves.

If the leg session itself didn’t make you wanna cry then the following 2-3 days of leg DOMS will surely have you grimacing in discomfort.

Stairs temporarily become your greatest challenge with the shortest of walks being something you actively try to avoid. Let’s not even mention how a visit to the loo fills you with dread.

On leg day, many will opt for the rightly named ‘king of exercises’, the squat.

No other exercise can blast the lower half of your body and lungs like this quads killer, although many argue the deadlift is a contender. Done properly, the squat presents a challenging full body workout and the rewards can be plentiful.

Progression in the squat usually promotes progression in other exercises.

So sit back, rest your aching quads and enjoy our collection of leg day memes, remind yourself why you’ll never be one to skip leg day.

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