When life gives you lemons but you wanted cupcakes
Me excited to hit the gym after work but my boss mentions the word overtime
The guy at the protein company burring the scoop at the bottom
Gets to 24 hour gym it’s closed
That look you give someone when they tell you they gonna start doing crossfit
When a non lifter tells you a calorie is a calorie
Gym mfer walks in between me and the mirror during a set. me
Me realising the gym session is over and it’s time to go back to real life
That face you make when you see someone working out in jeans
The look i give people while on my meal plan
That feeling when you hit a new pr
Everyone else it’s two for one at papa johns me after cutting all week
The moment you realize there are some things the gym can’t fix
Everyday waiting for my calves to grow
Non lifter hitting the gym 4 times a week is too much. me
Sometimes i wonder if my gym is thinking about me too
My face about to start my sixth serving of chicken broccoli
Me when someone tells me they don’t have time to workout but i wake at 5am to hit the gym