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Huge collection of original funny workout memes to help you see the humorous side of lifting heavy iron and keep you motivated, in and out the gym.

Let’s be honest, hitting the gym four+ times a week can sometimes seem a little pointless. It’s only the gains that keep you going, but the regular plateaus can knock you right back.

It’s common to find yourself disappointed with your progress, lacking motivation and even sometimes questioning whether you should keep hitting the gym at all.

One of the best methods many find for helping to reset things and give you that much needed boost of motivation, is to take a step back and try to see the funny side of what we do.

Humour can be a powerful motivational booster and help you see just how comical lifting heavy iron can be with all the hilarious stereotypes that come with it.

Whether it’s the insane training/diet advice from newbies and seasoned gym folk alike or the warped exercise execution. Seeing the funny side of these bizarre antics can really put a smile on your face and boost your motivation.

So next time you see someone ego benching way beyond their max or hear somebody offering truly insane diet advice, try not to scowl in disbelief.  Instead, remember this is part of gym life and just be thankful you’re on the other side of the craziness.

Our collection of original funny workout memes should tickle your funny bone, put a smile on your face and hopefully motivate you to keep hitting the gym, week after week.

Don’t take the gym, or yourself too seriously, enjoy life, enjoy these funny gym memes, have a laugh and keep lifting!

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